When looking to purchase a house, there are a few things that prospective buyers want to know about the house itself. They want to know how many square feet the house is, the number of bedrooms and the number of bathrooms. The prioritization of the bedrooms and bathrooms makes sense; we use both of those rooms every single day. The design choices in these rooms are going to be particularly important to homeowners. This is especially true in the bathroom for two reasons. The first is that whatever material you use for the floors and walls has to be able to stand up to considerable amounts of moisture. The second reason is that people are more likely to see your bathroom than your bedroom if you were to have company over. So, for the bathroom, the design needs to be fashionable and functional. For the purposes of this article, we’ll be examining the different types of tile that would be appropriate to use as your bathroom tile.
In a previous post, we covered why ceramic tile would be a fine option for your bathroom walls, but it would also work well for flooring. Some would argue that ceramic tiles are the best choice for your bathroom floor. This is because when they are being made, they are usually glazed, which prevents water absorption. The glaze, if it is high-grade, also protects against wear and scratches and can provide texture to the tiles to prevent slipping if they become wet. Ceramic tiles are easy to maintain, relatively inexpensive, and available in a wide range of colors, shapes, patterns, designs and sizes.
The cousin of ceramic tile, porcelain tile has long been a popular choice for bathroom floors. Many people believe that porcelain is the optimal choice for tiling your bathroom floor. It is superior to ceramic tile in the sense that it is required to have a water absorption-rate of 0.5% or less for it to be classified as porcelain. While being slightly more expensive than ceramic tile, porcelain tile is more durable, less likely to scratch or chip, and can withstand steam and water better. Though it can be cold on a person’s bare feet, porcelain tile is conducive to any radiant heating that you may elect to install beneath the floor. Porcelain tile is available in a variety similar to that of ceramic tile and can even be made to mimic wood or stone surfaces.
While some may think that ceramic or porcelain tiles are the “best” tiles to use in the bathroom, vinyl is the most popular. The main reason is due to its low cost. It also provides exceptional safety, comfort, and durability. Vinyl tile is known for how simple it is to install with a minimal number of seams and is less prone to cracking or breaking. Though some may consider it less visually appealing than other types, vinyl tile has come a long way in the looks department, and can offer you thousands of design options, including look-alike styles of other materials.
We move from the least expensive type of tile to the most valuable. Natural stone does cost more than the other types of tile that have been mentioned, but it has the benefit of upping the resale value of your home. There is an abundance of materials available to you including marble, granite, limestone, and slate. It is undoubtedly a top-tier aesthetic choice, and due to its composition, its durability rating is quite good. You may want to look into textured tiles to prevent slipping. Natural stone tile does require more cleaning and maintenance than the other tile types, and the organic nature of the material does slightly limit your choice of colors and patterns, but its elegant look and extraordinary toughness more than make up for it.
More of a throwback but still relatively popular, linoleum tile would be a fine choice for your bathroom floor. The material is composed of linseed oil, cork powder, wood flour, ground limestone, and pigments. All of those ingredients are organic, meaning that linoleum is biodegradable, eco-friendly and could appeal to the environmentally conscious homeowner. It helps that linoleum tile has a natural ability to repel dust and dirt without losing any of its luster. Linoleum tile is fairly easy to install, can work with a vast array of different design concepts and is relatively inexpensive when compared to some of the other materials on this list.
If you’re going to be walking on your bathroom floor every day, wouldn’t you want it to be a material that looks nice, feels good, repels water, and can stand up to any wear and tear? Well, you’re in luck. Because when it comes to your bathroom floor, there are several viable options that all have their distinct strengths, look, and price point. Whether you favor ceramic tile, porcelain tile, vinyl tile, natural stone tile, or linoleum tile, Tiles Plus More has what you need to make your bathroom floor a surface to be proud of.
The post Bathroom Tile For Your Next Renovation appeared first on Tiles Plus More.
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